Nice to Get Back

Sometimes in life we start something and forget it and when we find it expectantly someday or to say some years later it brings an unknown joy like when we find a sudden picture of childhood which even we've forgotten. Exactly this is my feeling now because I have myself forgotten this blog which was started around 12 years back in 2008. It felt so good to read about my views back then when I was a 20 year old kid with many dreams and many aspirations in life many of which I find have completely changed now. As I'm going through my likes and dislikes which I had written then, I cant stop me laughing as how the priorities and likes & dislikes have changed almost 180 degrees. 

Even the introduction I had written in 2008 showed the arrogance of youth - I'm what I am. This shows back then I had no clue about what challenges life will throw at me. Now as I write this I'm a family man with wife and a 3.5 year old daughter. Life has been a roller-coaster drive through this period of 12 years and it seems like there is now end to this ride in near future. 

One thing which is quite different from 2008 is the most frightening and challenging disease of mankind - COVID19 (Corona Virus). From last 2 months, anyone have not heard anything else than Corona. Everyone is confined to his home and life as we have always known it has stopped completely. Someone wrote to me that we have become like Caveman of ancient times - Just live in cave, hunt, eat and sleep. This has become new routine for billions. 

Millions of people worldwide are currently infected by this deadly disease and lakhs have died fighting. There is no specific treatment available for this pandemic and people have just one option - social distancing. All the industries and other activities apart from those involved with healthcare and daily essential items have been shut down for months. PM have induced home lockdown for the whole country which seems to be a good decision under circumstances to contain the disease because for a country like India with a 1.5 billion population it can create havoc with deaths if not contained within time. And results also show this - All the countries with huge number of deaths are european countries like Italy, Spain, UK & USA which have far more advanced healthcare infrastructure and very less population. We don't know for how many days it is going to last. I also don't know whether we'll be able to live normal lives again. 

I hope when someday I read this blog again after forgetting for a long time- I laugh at the Corona Virus situation. Maybe we all live happily with the lessons learnt during these difficult times. 

Sarve Bhavantu Sukhinah
Sarve Santu Niramayah

Om Shanti


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